Hurray, I’m finished with my Richards talk about OSGi and Apache Felix. I’m very happy and proud to step in for Richard who originally submitted this talk and got accepted but wasn’t able to attend.
I think, in the end it went very well, there were several intesting questions and it seems that the interest in OSGi is really high – I submitted a practical talk for ApacheCon EU next year. Let’s see if I get selected!
Reflecting the talk, I have the feeling that people might got my comments about Spring DM wrong. Just to clarify, I love Spring and it does a great job (there are some things I would like to have different, but I guess that’s always the case). Spring DM is a great thing and they’re doing a great job; I really like it especially the testing stuff. But compared to declarative services it is more a heavy weight solution – heavy weight is not bad by itself, so there is nothing wrong here. In the past years I never had the use case for this, I’m really happy with the simplicity of declarative services and the Apache Felix SCR plugin. That’s all 🙂