Silently a new version of Maven has been released. 2.07 is ready for download for a few days now.
I haven’t tested the new version yet as we’re in the middle of a release process and don’t want to change horses at this time 🙂
But just to repeat myself for all maven haters out there: maven is really great and once you have it configured and running properly it saves you a lot of time. A new this already but relearned it in the last weeks by preparing our release process. Now, I must admit that still the hard part is getting everything running. There are several glitches and problems you have to find workarounds for, so it might take some time. But in the end it pays of. And customizing is so easy by writing your own plugin.
So for me there is currently no reason to use any other tool. Somehow this reminds me a little bit of Cocoon with its high learning curve with pays of later…